
About Us

English Department



According to Wu Shulian rankings of 2017, the English subject of SFL English department ranked 10th in mainland China. This subject offers three tracks in the third year: business English, linguistics and translation.


SFL has set up “2+2” double degree programs with University of Manchester and the University of Melbourne, and a variety of international exchange programs in collaboration with partner universities for English majors.


The track of business English aims to cultivate interdisciplinary talents by providing excellent international business and finance courses and professional English language teaching. Graduates of this track mainly work in world-renowned accounting firms, domestic and foreign banks, government and foreign-invested companies, or further their study in first-rate universities at home and abroad.


The linguistics track is characterized by linguistic intelligence and speech pathology. It offers courses in linguistic theories and research and trains students’ practical abilities and English skills. Graduates in this track mainly continue their studies at world-class universities, or work for companies or hospitals in the field of linguistic intelligence and speech pathology. In recent years, more and more of our graduates choose to further studies at world-renowned universities like the University of Cambridge.

Copyright: 2013 School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiaotong University cross ICP No. 2010919

Technical support: Weicheng Interconnection